10 i topp. Historia och politik

10 i topp. Historia och politik
11 augusti, 2017 Hedengrens

De här titlarna efterfrågas nu på avdelningen History & Politics.

1) John Julius Norwich: The Great Cities in History

2) Joshua Green: Devil´s Bargain. Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency

3) Eric J. Hobsbawm: The Age of Empire 1875-1914

4) Richard Schenkman: Political Animals. How Our Stone-Aged Brain Gets in the Way of Smart Politics

5) Ruchir Sharma: The Rise and Fall of Nations. Ten Rules of Change in the Post-Crisis World

5) Peter Frakopan: Silk Roads. A New History of the World

6) Eric Hobsbawm: The Age of Capital 1848-1875

7) A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Modern Age (ed. Gert Hekma)

8) Anne-Marie Slaughter: The Chessboard & the Web. Strategies of Connection in a Networked World

9) Charles C. Mann: 1491. New Relevations of the Americas Before Columbus

10) Matthew E. Kanhn and Sigi Zheng: Blue Skies Over Beijing. Economic Growth and the Environment in China