
  • Barbara Blatchley: What are the Chances? Why We Believe in Luck

    Most of us, no matter how rational we think we are, have a lucky charm, a good-luck ritual, or some…

  • H. Glenn Penny: In Humboldt´s Shadow. A Tragic History of German Ethnology

    The Berlin Ethnological Museum is one of the world’s largest and most important anthropological museums, housing more than a half…

  • Robert Cooper: The Ambassadors. Thinking About Diplomacy from Machiavelli to Modern Times

    History does not run in straight lines. It is made by men and women and by accident. The path of…

  • Susan Owens: Spirit of Place. Artists & Writers & the British Landscape

    Spirit of Place offers a panoramic view of the British landscape as seen through the eyes of writers and artists…

  • Bruce Dickson: The Party and the People. Chinese Politics in the 21st Century

    Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has maintained unrivalled control over the country, persisting even in the face of…

  • Michael Kulikowski: The Tragedy of Empire. From Constantine to the Destruction of Roman Italy

    A sweeping political history of the turbulent two centuries that led to the demise of the Roman Empire. The Tragedy…

  • Sarah Winman: Still Life

    Tuscany, 1944: As Allied troops advance and bombs fall around deserted villages, a young English soldier, Ulysses Temper, finds himself…

  • Kent Werne: Konspirationsfeber

    Skapades coronaviruset av vaccinindustrin och Bill Gates? Är viruset ett biovapen? Bör skulden läggas på 5G-tekniken? Är pandemin rentav en…

  • Lars Calmfors: Mellan forskning och politik

    Utgivningsdatum: 12 oktober. Professor Lars Calmfors har verkat i fem decennier som forskare i nationalekonomi, samhällsdebattör och rådgivare till olika…

  • Andreas Marklund: Bletchley Park. Kodernas krig

    I slutet av 1942, ett år präglat av motgångar för de västallierade, nådde en brokig skara akademiker ett genombrott på…
